Speed-varying machine tool dynamics identification through chatter detection and receptance coupling

Authors: N. Grossi, L. Sallese, F. Montevecchi, A. Scippa, G. Campatelli

Abstract: Tool-tip Frequency Response Function (FRF) represents one of the essential inputs to predict chatter vibration and compute the Stability Lobe Diagram (SLD). Tool-tip FRFs are generally obtained for the stationary (non-rotating) condition. However, high speeds influence spindle dynamics, leading to a reduced accuracy of the SLD prediction. This paper presents a comprehensive method to identify speed-varying tool-tip FRFs and improve chatter prediction. First, FRFs for a screening tool is identified by a novel technique based on a dedicated experimental test and analytical stability solution. Then, a tailored receptance coupling technique is used to predict speed-varying tool-tip FRFs of any other tool. Proposed method was experimentally validated: chatter prediction accuracy was demonstrated through chatter tests.

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Paper presenter
Name:  Niccolo Grossi
Organization:  Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Firenze
Email:  niccolo.grossi@unifi.it

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