Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS)

A message from the founding
LMS director
George Chryssolouris  

Our Laboratory has grown significantly over the last few years, remaining focused on research and development in cutting edge scientific and technological fields.
In 2018, we coordinated a proposal successfully submitted to EIT on creating a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) focused on Manufacturing:  the EIT Manufacturing was established in 2019.
In 2021, the Competence Center Teaching Factory was created through National Funding from the General Secretariat of Research and Innovation.
Whilst in 2022, within the EIT Manufacturing, with the initiative of LMS, there was created the EIT Manufacturing Co-Location Center (CLC South East) in Athens.
In the meantime, LMS remains involved in a number of European funded projects, together with the European Industry.

LMS comprises three groups:

Manufacturing Systems Group
including Software Development
directed by